Sunday, March 10, 2013

One of the long lost secrets from years past was to put a fish under the tomato plants at the time it was planted. This was done for 2 reasons, 1- was to provide food for the plant during the growing season and the other reason was to provide vitamins all summer long for the plant.

Burpee Gardening

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If you notice a gray or blackened patch  at the bottom of your tomato fruits, this is called blossom end rot, and usually indicates a vitamin deficiency.
Tomato plants want to be planted with only a few sets of leaves sticking up out of the ground.  If you can get two-thirds of that stem underground, you will find your tomatoes to eventually be healthier and happier.

Most people see this tiny seedling, and don’t realize it will grow to six feet or taller, and just as wide if happy and well-cared for.  Crowding  your tomato plants will backfire and give you less fruit, not more.  Tomato plants also need a free flow of air around them to keep down foliage diseases, and crowding them will inhibit airflow.

Plant your tomatoes DEEP-DEEP-DEEP and this will help them to get nutrients and water when a dry spell hits and will help them all summer to perform at their best. Leave only the top two or three leafs exposed as shown in picture below.

We like to call tomato plants “vines,” although technically they are not.  They don’t cling naturally to a stake or other structure.  It’s important, however, to keep the branches and fruit up off the ground.  If you allow the tomato plants to sprawl all over the garden, then they are more susceptible to soil-borne diseases, and the fruits that are touching the ground will often end up ruined by either crawling insects or rot . After 50 years of planting tomatoes you can  believe me on this one, it's important!

If you are growing what are called “indeterminate” varieties (and most heirlooms are indeterminate), then that plant is going to get really big and you will need to stake it. I have had some tomato plants reach up to 20 feet in length and have had many pounds of tomatoes off of one plant growing all the way up until the frost in our region of the country finally killed the plant.
 Get better yields and save space in your home garden with our selection of cages, towers, ties and fences designed to support your plants throughout their growth.

To grow tomatoes that you will really be proud of , you will need to place a vitamin pod at the bottom of your tomato plants and then you will grow tomatoes that look like this. I have been using this ancient secret for over 50 years and you can get up to 10 times more tomatoes off of each tomato plant with this 1 little secret.

I sell these vitamin pods at 12 for $12.00 and this includes shipping and taxes in the USA. If you are ready to place your order , just hit the buy now button and you will have the best tomatoes that you have ever grown in your neighborhood.

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Here's an interesting video that talks about the dangers of conventionally farmed foods and provides some great solutions to get more organic produce at a much lower price: Click Here!

 Heirlooms are often not as productive as hybrids, but they typically taste better, and you can save their seeds from one season to the next, eventually breeding a variety that is perfectly suited to your region of the country and your soil conditions. Most heirlooms are "indeterminate" types, meaning they grow long, sprawling plants and produce tomatoes continuously through the season all the way up till frost in your region of the country. If you wish to order the best Heirloom tomato seeds in the country, then go to the web site listed below.